Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chase SSN Loss Pattern?

A quick Google search of Patricia O. (O My God I've Lost Customer's Social Security Numbers) Baker came up with a similar situation to my recent SSN loss.

Click here to read the notice at Datalossdb.

Seems Chase notified the state of New York in late 2006 that a tape with customer's SSN could not be found at a vendor's off-site facility. Want to bet it's the same vendor as my loss? Want to bet that Chase didn't change any policy from 2006 to 2009?

Of interest in the 2006 notification, Chase offered $10,000 in identity theft protection to each victim. Unfortunately for the 34,266 New York residents affected, the footnote to the letter to the NY state attorney general says that the theft protection is not available to NY residents.


Anonymous said...

Chase repeated the same careless error by disposing my personal social security number, tax ID number, name of trust and account number with 87 financial services customers this past November2009.
My personal information and account information was posted on the internet and of course thank you Jamie Sloppy Dimon thieves got access.
I wish I could post the photo of Jamie Dimon kissing lloyd the CEO of Goldman on the cheek. Nice
did they cover it? no not yet