Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sarah Scruggs Abusing Vimeo Hole

Yesterday I was informed that Sarah Scruggs had added me as a contact on the video sharing site Vimeo.

Who's Sarah Scruggs? I didn't know. But I wanted to find out.

Now I like Vimeo. I've posted almost 100 videos there for my close family and friends to see. I've added a handful of people as my contacts and they've done the same with me.

Unfortunately, Vimeo does not have the same controls as Facebook. Where Facebook will let you know that someone wants to add you as a friend and ask for your permission before setting up the 'contact' on both friends pages, Vimeo will allow anyone to add you as a contact, to see your contacts and to add them.

Back to Sarah Scruggs.

Sarah added me as a contact. And my wife. My mother. My brother. My other brother. My sister in law. My mother in law. My sister in law's mother.

Sarah's Vimeo page has two ads (videos) for the Timeshare Industry. Want to bet Sarah Scruggs is somehow in that industry and abusing Vimeo to make sales?

A quick Google search found that Sarah Scruggs is a flack for the timeshares industry. She is a Communications Manager for ARDA (American Resort Development Association) that promotes sales.

Why would Sarah Scruggs put my family in her contacts? Perhaps to make her look good. Perhaps to have her contacts fill up the screen. Perhaps her boss at ARDA told her to get some traction at Vimeo.

Vimeo is a Company Acting Badly for not having basic friend/contact controls like Facebook. ARDA is a Company Acting Badly for having employees who abuse Vimeo. Sarah just acts badly.